Yes, it is legal to invest in Luxembourg. Invest Sante SCA. accepts funds from most countries, as long as the origin of the funds is transparent and legal. You will be asked to provide proof of the origin of the funds.
Our management fees vary according to the amounts invested. We deduct these fees quarterly in the greatest transparency on the basis of bank statements. We do not charge any entry or exit fees to our clients, regardless of their choice of partner bank. Our custodian banks offer advantageous conditions: brokerage fees for shares and bonds are reduced by 70% compared to traditional banks.
There are two points to be considered answering this question:
Bonds acquired by Invest Sante SCA usually have a residual maturity of four to seven years. This investment approach, generally leads to significantly higher returns than investing in shorter-term securities.
All investments are listed on the stock exchange and can therefore be sold daily. We only invest in liquid assets. Thus, clients of Invest Sante SCA can have a portion or the total investment paid back on any business day. There is no contractual minimum term. The collaboration with Invest Sante SCA can be terminated at any time. As such, clients enjoy excellent flexibility with respect to their invested funds.
The minimum amount is 500.000 EUR. This is the amount necessary to offer you a quality and personalized service. This amount also allows you to diversify your investment and thus limit the risks.
Our investment approach and the asset investments are completely transparent and comprehensible for clients. Once the investment specifications have been agreed on, the provided capital will be invested. All details can be followed by clients on a daily basis via a personal online banking access.
The majority of Invest Sante SCA’s clients reside in Saudi Arabia, Germany, Switzerland, France and the United Kingdom and around the world. However, Invest Sante SCA also advises investors from many other countries around the world.
Invest Sante SCAan independent wealth management firm registered in the commercial register with registered office in Luxembourg under number B*******.
Invest Sante SCA is an independent asset manager, which guides its clients in the asset investment of bonds and shares. The main focus is on Fixed Income securities. As a specialist in corporate bonds, our client’s assets are invested diverse and profitable.
The subsidiary Invest Sante SCA is a member of the Luxembourg association of professional asset managers ALPP (association Luxembourgeoise des Professionnels du Patrimoine a.s.b.l.).
The majority of Invest Sante SCA clients reside in Germany, France, Italy and the UK. However, Invest Sante SCA also advises investors from many other countries around the world.
The cost structure at Invest Sante SCAis very simple and transparent. Our remuneration is based on the amount of the assets under management. All incurred costs of our partner banks are greatly reduced thanks to special agreements.
No, Invest Sante SCA does not take possession of any assets. Our clients open their own accounts at one of our partner banks. Invest Sante SCA is conferred a limited power of attorney for these accounts, in order to implement the pre-agreed investment strategy.
Invest Sante SCA is an independent asset manager and not a bank. This ensures unbiased advice, detached of any interest conflicts within a banking operation. The assets entrusted to us are exempt from all sales targets and are managed exclusively in the interest of the client.
A bond is a debt security issued by a company. The issuer of the bond is contractually obligated to pay its creditors (bondholders) a specified annual interest rate on a specific date. The coupon, which is the annual interest rate owed to you, is paid either quarterly, semi-annually or annually. The issuer must also repay the principal at face value at the maturity of the loan. You can get more information by contacting us.
Invest Sante SCA is a member of the Luxembourg investor compenSAtion scheme SIIL (Système d’indemnisation des investisseurs Luxembourg – a system of reimbursement for Luxembourg investors). Our partner bank in Germany, V-Bank in Munich, is a member of the German deposit protection fund.